All Your Banking
Needs Covered
Credit unions have everything you need for your day-to-day banking: chequing and savings accounts, lines of credit, mortgages, business loans and investment advice. You can enjoy highly competitive rates for loans and deposits, as well as a vast network of surcharge-free ATMs. Manitoba's credit unions have got you fully covered!
100% Guaranteed
Your money is safe at a credit union — 100% guaranteed. All deposits, including interest, are guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba. That's a stronger guarantee than any other financial institution in the province!

Keeping It Local
The vast majority of the funds credit union members deposit are recirculated in our communities in the form of loans to homeowners, businesses, farmers and other members. Credit unions are not in the habit of financing ventures in other provinces — not with so many worthy and viable enterprises in our own backyard!
Have Your Say
Credit unions are cooperatives, collectively owned by the people who use their services. If you have a credit union account, you have a democratic say when it comes to policy and decision-making. By voting for your credit union's board of directors — or running yourself — you help guide the credit union on its path. All decisions, big and small, are made right here in Manitoba communities — not on Bay Street.

Personal Touch
Credit unions are smaller and more localized than a bank, so members are treated with a more personal touch. That means getting to know you and providing you with the right tools for your individual needs. No cookie cutter solutions! The success of every member matters, and building strong relationships is a fundamental part of what credit unions do.
We Serve Manitobans
There are twice as many credit union locations in Manitoba as any other financial institution. In many communities, a credit union is the only financial institution serving residents and small businesses. That's because credit unions care about providing high quality financial services to everyone, no matter the size of your community. It's all about driving growth and prosperity right here in our province.