Making a Difference
Manitoba's credit unions are dedicated to helping people and strengthening our communities. Every year, credit unions donate time, money and resources to a variety of causes that help make our province a great place to live.
In the past decade, credit unions have collectively distributed more than $26 million in charitable donations, scholarships and sponsorships, offered reduced service fees to over 9,000 organizations doing good work in the province, and funded a variety of major projects that have a lasting positive impact on Manitobans.

Hands on Help
Credit unions take a hands-on approach to making good things happen. Nationally, almost 80 per cent of employees choose to volunteer during their unpaid time off, and 70 per cent participate in community activities as part of their paid work. [ Source: CCUA ]
Tour 150: Nakatamaakewin
Tour 150, presented by Manitoba’s Credit Unions, travelled across the province to communities in Summer 2021, in celebration of Qaumajuq, the new Inuit art centre at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. This mobile exhibit contained a collection of Inuit art in soapstone, felt, print, textiles, and other materials, and the van was wrapped with the beautiful artwork of local Inuit artist Kailey Sheppard. Although the official MB150 celebrations have concluded, Tour 150 will remain an asset to our community.
Manitoba credit unions donated $150,000 towards this initiative.
St. John Ambulance
Today, in more than 300 communities across Canada more than 10,000 St. John Ambulance volunteers provide over one million hours of community service per year. The financial contribution of St. John volunteers could be calculated in hundreds of millions of dollars. The contribution to safety of Canadians is immeasurable.
Manitoba credit unions provided a contribution of $250,000 to the St. John Ambulance ‘Building on a Caring Tradition’ capital campaign.
The gift supports the new St. John Ambulance ‘Centre for Excellence in First Aid’ training and community services centre. The $5-million facility will double classroom space and lifesaving training capacity. It will also be home to the organization’s regional headquarters.
Camp Wannakumbac
Camp Wannakumbac is a non-denominational sleep away camp for kids ages 8-15 on the west shore of Clear Lake. The camp provides exciting camping experiences, creative learning, leadership and personal growth opportunities, and an appreciation for the outdoors. It also serves as the setting for the Manitoba Cooperative Association's Co-op Youth Leadership Retreat which teaches leadership skills and encourages youth involvement in cooperatives.
Camp Wannakumbac is operated by the Wasagaming Foundation, a registered charity that receives funding from Manitoba's credit unions (and has for over 20 years) alongside other cooperatives.
Manitoba High Schools
Athletic Association
The Credit Unions of Manitoba Scholar Athlete Award is awarded annually to four students who maintain a minimum average grade of 85% and participate in at least two interscholastic high school athletic activities. Manitoba's credit unions award each student a $1,000 scholarship.
The Manitoba Museum
The Manitoba Museum is the province’s largest not-for-profit centre for heritage and science learning. The collections within it are a reflection of the rich heritage of Manitoba, as well as other regions around the world. Most Manitobans are intimately familiar with the museum and its galleries — like the Nonsuch, The Science Gallery (formerly Touch the Universe), and Grasslands galleries — due in part to its focus on students and schools.
Manitoba’s credit unions are supporting the museum’s 'Bringing Our Stories Forward' capital renewal project with a $250,000 gift, going towards the Nonsuch and Grassland galleries. The gift was matched by the provincial government at a rate of 50 cents on every dollar, for a total donation of $375,000.
Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association
In response to seasonal flooding in Manitoba, the Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association's Aquanty Project is developing new tools to reduce the impact of these events on the agricultural industry within the Assiniboine River Basin. Flooding has caused major crop losses, property damage, and claims above and beyond crop insurance.
Manitoba’s credit unions committed support to this project over a five-year span to help lessen the need for government disaster relief in response to events like these.
Curl Manitoba Masters Championships
The Manitoba's Credit Unions Masters Provincial Championship is the showcase event for Manitoba curlers ages 60 and over. Each year, men's and women's teams from across the province take part in this prestigious bonspiel.
Manitoba credit unions have been an annual sponsor of the Masters Provincial Championship for decades.
Manitoba 55+ Games
The Manitoba 55-Plus Games, held every year since 1983, provides a healthy and fun forum for Manitobans ages 55 and over to compete in a wide variety of sporting events including golf, bowling, swimming and track.
Manitoba's credit unions are proud sponsors of the 55-Plus Games, which promote the benefits of healthy active living for older Manitobans.
Ka Ni Kanichak
When Ka Ni Kanichihk announced plans for an $8-millon building expansion, credit unions were among the first to step up to support the project with a gift of $100,000.
Ka Ni Kanichihk delivers Indigenous-designed and -led programs that help children, youth, women, young men, and families to heal, learn, and become leaders, all centered in culture.
“This project will create new opportunities for people in Winnipeg and from across the province,” said the organization’s Executive Director Dodie Jordaan at the sponsorship announcement in June. “We thank credit unions for their gift to help create unique and welcoming Indigenous-designed spaces.”
The ‘Home for Reconciliation’ expansion project was developed by and with the community Ka Ni Kanichihk has walked beside for more than 20 years. It will include healing spaces, a cultural centre, medical clinic, access to Elders, employment training rooms, a much-needed community resource hub, rare inner-city green space and a nurturing daycare. Construction began in 2023.