Enter the Contest
We are accepting entries for the next calendar!
Deadline to enter is December 31, 2024.
Email entries to:, and please include the following information:
Where the photo was taken (location)
When the photo was taken (month)
Photo title
By entering this contest, you agree that you have read and agree to abide by the contest rules below.
Contest Rules
There are 14 prizes of $100. Enter as often as you like. Winners will also receive photo credits in the calendar and five calendars to share with family and friends.
Who can enter:
The contest is open to all Manitobans, including employees and directors of credit unions, caisses populaires, and their affiliates.
What to submit:
You may enter photos of any subjects that were taken in Manitoba and reflect a month or season (fall, winter, summer, spring).
Technical specs:
Photos must be digital, horizontal in format, and no smaller than in size than 2000 x 1500 pixels (3 megapixels - approx. 9MB in RGB mode).
Photos are judged on their merits alone (artistic and technical quality) with no names attached, by delegates of Credit Union Central of Manitoba. Judges' decisions will be final.
Winning photos:
The winning photos will appear in the Manitoba Credit Unions calendar, and will be used to promote next year's contest. Winners agree to grant CUCM exclusive rights to use their photos until December 31, 2025.